Thursday 19 August 2010

Been A While...

It's been a while, but i've been...... busy? not really, but neglect starts with a logical reason for neglect, and then it works it wiley little way into just an excuse, and then there's no excuse at all, and then its just neglection, but i did a painting all the same... and you can have a look, there's the japanese kanji for love in there, along with some other crap.... its not great, but i put 2 days of work into it, and im ever so slightly proud of it...

Monday 2 August 2010

The Delayer Gets Delayed again. by himself.

I am thus, yet agan postponing the rest of the walkthrough, though none of you knew, i created the walkthrough several blogs ago, but never finished it because my computer crashed while performing the next step in the process, and i hadnt saved it, so i wrote over the blog containing it and recreated the new one, but thus i must delay the update and probably final section simply because im not at home, and its very difficult to do such things when you dont have a reliable internet connection.

Though i do have a connection, and shall be trying to fill in some blogs in the meantime while i am temporarily away.

On a relevant side note, free wifi zones in cafe's and takeaways are one of the best things ever in a centreparc, because i can truly have all the comforts at home while away.
Internet and Greasy food! :D i am a winnar.